Game On with Vanessa Rende

What is Mind-Body-Soul Work to Me?



Recently, someone called me a Mind-Body-Soul Coach, and I loved it. During my ten plus years as a full-time entrepreneur, I have tried to stay away from labels and titles, but something about what those words mean, integration, made my soul smile.In this episode of the #GameOn audio blog, I share a little bit about my story and how I became a speaker and coach, as well as how and why my work has evolved into so much more than simple mindset work and business strategies like we see rampant in the coaching world nowadays.I am always learning, and I discovered that it is not enough to take care of one part of yourself and neglect the others. In this blog entry, I share with you why.Thank you for listening, and please remember to subscribe and share this message.iTunes: Play: stay connected, visit me at