Speak Life With Taylor Nichols

Episode 19 - Vivian Mabuni



Today’s conversation is with my dear friend Vivian Mabuni. She is a national speaker and author of "Warrior In Pink" and "Open Hands, Willing Heart." She recently launched a new podcast called  "Someday Is Here, dedicated to sharing stories of leadership, culture and heritage within the lives of Asian American women today.  Vivian and I connected over a short but sweet conversation that we shared about the importance of interior design and the creative power of working in a space that is quiet, inviting and harmonious. Our conversation started there, but ended with so much more about life, love and learning to understand the perspectives and values of others.    Vivian taught me so much during our conversation, leaving me empowered to keep learning more about what role I play in the conversation around culture and inclusion today. She shares what it looks like to live as a minority in western culture, how the idea of “collective over individual” is part of her Asian DNA and even breaks down the elements of he