Concordia Ed Tech Podcast

Tech Talk Roundtable 06-21 | The Wheel of Awesome Topics



Description So many topics. So Little time.  On today’s show we couldn’t decide on a single topic so we’ve decided to leave it up to … fate? Chance?  Dumb luck?  Rest assured no matter what topic comes up you  - our loyal listener - are going to be a winner.  Join us today as we spin the “Wheel of AWESOME TOPICS” Lessons Learned Chris - Our reactions to our problems and challenges can often make them worse. We have to practice self-control and thoughtfulness when confronted with a situation. Remain calm in crisis, seek healing in offense, always assume the best from your friends and colleagues. Daniel - The new OneDrive app for Mac in Mojave OS allows for entire Sharepoint folders to be sync but stay in the cloud.  The folder looks like a OneDrive folder on your computer. Dennis - iPhone Photos - use Pano to mimic a wide angle lens Fun Fact The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two Miller’s Law by George A. Miller of Harvard University's Department of Psychology -  It is often interpreted to argue that the