Speak Life With Taylor Nichols

Episode 22 - Tori Petersen



This weeks guest is my new friend Tori Petersen. She currently resides in a small town in Minnesota, with her husband and their new baby boy. Tori grew up in the foster care system starting at the age of 4, and today she shares her story and gives insight into how that experience affected her childhood and her new life as a Mama and wife. Tori recounts the first time she was taken away from her Mom when she was only four years old and the imagery she still carries with her from that critical moment in her life. She went back to her biological Mom's home for a period of time before being placed in 12 more foster homes between the ages of 12 and 18, never staying in one placement longer than 9 months at a time. Tori went back to her biological Mom's home for a period of time before being placed in 12 more foster homes between the ages of 12 and 18, never staying in one placement longer than 9 months at a time. As an adult, she wants to break the misconceptions around the foster care system, and is writing a mem