
Episode 86 – How JMO Leadership Translates to a Financial Career



Thank you for listening to another episode of the Cameron-Brooks Podcast. In this episode, Kilian Wald, Associate Finance Manager at Stryker, joins me for a conversation about his transition from an Army Air Defense Officer to a development candidate career in Finance with Stryker Medical.  In less than two years with Stryker, Kilian has already been promoted and earned a special assignment for 6 months in Singapore.  He credits his success with JMO leadership lessons he learned during his time in the military: do the hard work, be willing to learn, build relationships and be adaptable. He also talks about the value of the Cameron-Brooks program and how it prepared him to make a successful transition to Stryker.  His advice, "While it can be hard, trust the Cameron-Brooks process because it works."  He credits his military to business transition success to the multiple in-person one-on-one conversations with experienced Cameron-Brooks Recruiters and working with his study group in Clarksville, TN. A couple