David Allen Wizardgold's Posts

Blogging from the beach in Platja d'Aro



in this Audioboo I am talking about the omnipotent of tea in England. Many people see T tea as being the panacea to all ills, whatever happens to a person in life the answer is to put the kettle on and have a nice cup of tea. I made a video this morning next to the harbour and Platja d'Aro and I used my new microphone which is a clip on microphone I have connected to my Zoom H2 recorder. When I got back to base I was able to use the Final Cut Pro synchronisation feature which allows me to synchronise some video to audio. This feature really works very well indeed and I had great sound to go with my video that I have now posted up to my video blogging channel on YouTube. I also talk about having to go to the shop to buy some mustard and of course I want to have some good Coleman's English mustard. You know the yellow very strong stuff that as a good bite to it. There was a man near to me who was scouring the rocks to find seafood which he was probably going to take home and eat. If you like that sor