David Allen Wizardgold's Posts

Headache, Mental Maths and iPhone to Android



So today I have been doing the Audioboo after line down on my sofa suffering with a headache. I started watching Dexter series 7 and I got halfway through the episode before my eyes close completely and I began to snore loudly. We have had some very changeable weather today with it being very cloudy and grim looking this morning, but now it is sunny and we have nice bright blue skies. Because of the wind I didn't do the recording of the Audioboo was outside walking the dog as per usual and I have recorded in the studio or office. I could have done it this morning while I was at work, while it was quiet but instead I was learning some mental mathematics tricks. It is quite fun to learn these mental arithmetic tricks and interesting thing is that you work from the left to the right rather than a way that she was taught in school which was to go from the units on the right through the tens to hundreds etc. iPhone to Android I really do need a phone that would allow me to always have the ability for d