Don Woods

From Missing Planes to Golf Clubs



It’s disgusting the way the media are covering this missing plane incident….there are poor grief stricken relatives who are in turmoil only to have a camera stuck in their face to broadcast their anguish to the world…what does this achieve?…NOTHING…it doesn’t help in any way…just so some pig of a reporter can get a story without an ounce of human decency…this needs to be sorted. The Royal and Ancient Golf Club are to have a high power meeting as to whether they let WOMEN on the course…heavens above…what is the world coming to?….as you probably know G.O.L.F. means “Gentlemen only…ladies forbidden”…which obviously the R & A and a few other courses still stand by. We have a Golf Club close to where you once lived which is a men only set up…….I think in this day and age it’s time for Golf Clubs to get over themselves…speaking as a guy who has performed (musically) at hundreds of them I can safely say that they are all the same…overloaded with snobs and outdated rules and regulations. If you want to get away fr