Hangout With Heather

RADA Breakfast, Twitter Blanket Drive & Evita in Jozi



Niche Radio — It's a jam-packed show once again - with another fantastic giveaway on the cards #HangoutWithHeather listeners! Heather shares about two events that are coming up, that give you the chance to give back to the community. The first is the @RADA Angels ladies breakfast, join the team from RADA (Rape, Alcohol and Drug Addiction) and find out how you can get involved with their initiative. The second is the annual Twitter Blanket Drive! @JOZITBD are hosting a great event, all attendees are to bring along a blanket to donate to someone else (new or used) and join celebs and other cool folk #TBD2017 If you enjoy a good laugh - do not miss @EvitaBezuidenhout in her latest show now on at @MontecasinoZA - titled "Kaktus of Separate Development" Heather has all your show details. All South African's love meat, in all it's forms, and this weekend Heather is heading through to find out more about international trends and cooking techniques at The @FireandFeastButchersFestival at The @TicketproDome