Real Relationships With Paula

Help, I am a Parent!



Niche Radio — “The single most important predictor of how you will behave as a parent is how you were parented as a child.” - Harville Hendrix and Helen La Kelly Hunt They say nothing is more precious than the unconditional love of a child. While we love our children, our children may not always experience us as loving. Even loving and well-meaning parents act, at times, in ways that children do not experience as loving such as when they are fighting, are stressed or going through a personal crisis to mention a few. And as parents, we at times may experience our children in unloving ways too. Our children may seem distant, are being rebellious, in a mood or just plain uncommunicative. So for all those parents out there, I thought I would share this poem with you and to tell you that you’re human, you’re doing the best you can and you’re doing a great job! "A Message for My Child" I gave you life, but I cannot live it for you. I can teach you things, but I cannot make you learn. I can give you