Real Relationships With Paula

The Walk of Shame



Niche Radio — The walk of shame has traditionally been identified as “the morning after a night out at a bar, nightclub, or party where you have spent the night with a sexual partner (or perceived sexual partner)” in other words a one-night stand. However this week’s podcast is about a different ‘walk of shame’, it’s the walk of shame many couples have when their relationship is in trouble. They feel embarrassed and ashamed to seek help, often they feel like a failure…. So have you ever wondered why it is that some couples just seem to have the perfect relationship? They never fight or argue, they are always loving and kind towards each other and content with their lot in life. Have you ever wondered how they do it and why you can't do the same? Well, it's simple really.... They have learned how to deal with their issues (every relationship has issues). They have put boundaries in place to protect their relationship and each other. They respect each other and their relationship. They have set cou