Zsuzsanna Kisvardai

Episode 4 - Micro-moments and Course Stacking (strategy session) part 1



Micro-moments, micro-commitments, stacking courses, building academies. These are the steps to become a top-of-mind-expert in your field, and the strategy to build an online course business.This coming episode is exactly about this strategy to get a better grasp of the business model that I find more viable and profitable compared to the widely discussed ONE COURSE TO SIX FIGURES. Tune in to figure out more about it.  If you've liked it, please, subscribe. Would you add something? Leave a comment. Follow me for more info on online course creation at: https://www.landpage.co/newsletter Do you seek more personalized support? Join her membership community: www.teachyourobvious.com I'm the Creator of the Teach Your Obvious method, a complete framework that helps you turn your service packages into online courses by exploiting gamification and building engaging learning experiences. This way you can leverage both your time and expertise, and you can stop trading time for money. It also creates easily scalable