Rivera Radio

The Clitoris & Cliteracy : Sexual Rights | Ep. 2



How much do you know about the wonderful clitoris? And are you comfortable talking about it? I hope you come interested in talking about it after this episode! Sophia Wallace’s important body of work: Cliteracy, 100 Natural Laws has tremendous impact on the feminism movement of today and is a project we should all know about. Spread the word. Have the conversation; especially with those who are curious and with those who need the information. Visit my YouTube Channel to watch the episode I discuss in this podcast. YouTube Episode | ARE YOU CLITERATE: http://bit.ly/areyoucliterate To learn more about Sophia Wallace’s Cliteracy project visit the following links: http://www.sophiawallace.com/cliteracy-100-natural-laws http://www.sophiawallace.com/tedx http://projects.huffingtonpost.com/projects/cliteracy/intro REMEMBER to post your thoughts in the comments. This is a CONVERSATION, not a monologue. www.vidabeautiful.com