Shannon The Mommy Blogger

Life is too short to be Lukewarm.



I’m not going to lie to you. I have fallen victim to trying to fit into the Instagram “Christian Mommy Blogger” filter. I post, and post, and blog and blog some more. But if I wasn’t leading you to the Father through it, it would just be a bunch of noise and nonsense. I don’t pretend to be immune to the “people-pleasing” disease, I’ve been afflicted all my life. But, when Jesus met me and saved me, I decided to shift my focus from me to Him. The moment I met Jesus was the moment my life stopped and His mission began. No amount of Instagram followers could change the resurrection power of my Lord Jesus Christ. But it doesn’t stop me from trying. I fall victim to following the latest “social media preacher” from time to time, too. But when the “message” of the newest preacher in sneakers is one of shame and self-loathing, you should know better than to consider it Gospel.