Saunders & Cash

S2 E15 Where Women Entrepreneurs Connect



When Andrea Hattan embarked on her journey to start a co-working space for women, she thought she would find women with part-time side businesses that needed a place to work away from distractions. What she discovered was that it was more about building a community of women in business. While many of her members are entrepreneurs, a large number actually work at corporate jobs but have found they wanted a community were they could connect with other women in business.   Andrea’s prior experience was along the lines of teaching, photography and marketing before starting to realize that connecting with other women about growing personally and professionally was very important to her. When she first started freelancing, she worked out of a local co-working space with a lot of men in technology. That didn't really work well for her; she needed a space to connect with other women, to be inspired and to inspire others, so she did some market research, created the branding elements she wanted and got busy creating h