Nonprofit Jenni Show

S5E10 Should I Start a Nonprofit?



I would guess that when Nonprofit Jenni Show listeners email me, about half of the emails are asking for my advice about how to start a new nonprofit organization supporting a cause they feel really passionate about. I love that passion--we need more of that spirit in the world! But is starting a nonprofit organization really the most effective way to create meaningful, lasting change in the areas that matter most? In this week’s star-studded podcast episode, two of my favorite nonprofit thought leaders share their advice on what you should consider before you decide to form a new nonprofit organization.   First, Randy Hawthorne (CEO of Nonprofit Hub and podcast host of the Nonprofit Hubcast) shares his perspective on how aspiring philanthropists and do-gooders should decide whether starting a nonprofit is the right way to support their favorite cause. He shares some questions you can ask yourself to figure out whether you would be able to sustain a nonprofit organization in the long term. Then Molly MacCread