Product Hunt Radio

Product Hunt Radio: Episode 25 w/ Ryan Orbuch, Gwen Brinsmead, & Ari Weinstein



This week we're joined by young makers, Ryan Orbuch (Founder, Finish), Gwen Brinsmead (Product, AppMesh), and Ari Weinstein (Co-founder, DeskConnect and Workflow) from a sunny rooftop in San Francisco's Tenderloin. We chat productivity tools, apps that create beautiful photos, and trends in teenage tech culture. Listen in. Products mentioned: - Finish ( - To do lists for procrastinators - Workflow ( - Powerful automation for iPhone & iPad - imoji ( - Turn selfies or any photo into stickers you can text - Overcast ( - The powerful, simple podcast app from Marco Arment - Hours ( - Visual time tracking app - TiddlyWiki ( - A versatile note-taking web application - Sketch ( - Professional digital design for Mac - Avocado (