Product Hunt Radio

Product Hunt Radio: Episode 13 w/ Naval Ravikant & Joshua Slayton



Before Product Hunt, I occasionally browsed AngelList, hunting for new startups for fun. As a long-time fan, I'm honored to have Naval Ravikant (Co-founder, AngelList) and Joshua Slayton (Venture Hacker, AngelList) on the show. We chatted about what AngelList really is, time-saving apps, and a few crazy products you wouldn't believe exist. Products mentioned: - Yo PRODUCT HUNTED ( - Get a Yo whenever there's a Product Hunt with > 100 upvotes - Notational Velocity ( - Modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application - Clear ( - Simple, beautiful mobile to-do list - Timeful ( - Intelligent Time Management - Secret ( - Share anonymously with your friends. Speak freely. - Dark Sky ( - Weather app that predicts when it will rain or snow - Yo ( - A