Listen To Alfred

Listen To Alfred - Life In Shaftesbury - Episode 87



This time on Alfred, the podcast for Shaftesbury, The Vale and Chase areas of North Dorset and West Wiltshire: We meet the women planning paranormal investigations in Shaftesbury. Bev and Karen plan to host late night sessions at King Alfred’s Kitchen. (00:27) An electric tricycle and low-cost food shop are new initiatives planned by the Shaftesbury GP practice. Alfred visits The Abbey View Medical Centre and meets a leading healthcare writer, who is impressed by proposals to reduce appointment waiting times. (11:04) Claudia Hammond, the radio and TV psychology commentator and author is coming to Shaftesbury. She previews her talk about the importance of taking time out and enjoying rest. (20:53) A new Shaftesbury car park could fund community causes but not everybody is pleased at the prospect of paying to park on Coppice Street. (29:19)