Greenhouse Lasses

Green Space, Blue Space, Our Space



Ever wonder what it’s like to protect public spaces and communities, from parks across the Garden State to the Amazonian Rainforest? Us, too! Join us as we chat with Jamie Carpenter, Program Specialist with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. In this episode, Jamie tells us about volunteering in the Brazilian Amazon with the Notre Dame Mission Volunteers International, recounts trekking across the Alaskan wilderness surviving on pancake mix, and reveals which Parks and Recreation character she identifies with alongside her public service experience advancing disaster relief and public land allocation...Notes: Interested in the activism work Jamie did in Brazil? Get involved!  Learn about the Green Acres Program here: and Blue Acres Floodplain Acquisitions here: Learn more about Rayanne Cristine Maximo Franca and many other Brazilian women activists worth your support: https://w