Ground Truthing

WCA Podcast S3E2-Part 1 Child Homelessness



WCA Podcast Season 3 Episode 2 - 'Ground Truthing' interview of Dr. Lilian Reynolds and Karl Bertrand regarding child homelessness and race in Westchester County, New York. Hosted by Erica Ayala In part 1 of this episode, both of our guests discuss how data guides their homelessness work, why varying definitions lead to an inaccurate count of the homeless population, and how the history of race and racism impacts homelessness today. Dr. Lillian F. Reynolds is a social worker and homelessness liaison for the Mount Vernon City School District who is tasked with identifying and supporting students in temporary housing according to the McKinney-Vento Act. Karl Bertrand is the founder and President of Program Design & Development, LLC, (PD&D) which specializes in helping public and private organizations develop effective and innovative programs, with particular expertise in the development and management of multi-agency collaborations. Learn more about the gaps and issues affecting homeless children in our co