Running Wild With Christine

Ep 38: On Body Image, with Jen Larsen



What's your first thought when I say: Body Image? Noun: the subjective picture or mental image of one's own body. This week, I had the pleasure to welcome Jen Larsen, author of Stranger Here (Seal Press, 2012) and Future Perfect (Harper Teen, 2015), for this episode about bodies! Jen and I started very much in the same way, inspired by strangers responding to our anonymous blogging, except that Oprah once said her name! In our usual fashion, we discuss how life unfolds, taking detours along the way. Her memoir discusses her experience with Weight Loss Surgery, Depression and the myth of "Skinny=Happy". We take winding turns talking about the publishing industry, aging and invisibility, awkwardly flirting with fellow women, Newfies, catcalling & contradictions, female rivalry and so much more. We discuss why saying things how they are, loudly discussing the issues that matter to us and basking in vulnerability is SO FUCKING IMPORTANT. For more, head to, to Twitter and Facebook @jenfoo