Running Wild With Christine

Ep 33: José Runs Wild!



This is a fun one for me! José, the character from Just Bad Timing, and my OG bestie in Vancouver, runs wild with me about culture shock, life progression, perfect storms, dancing salsa and smoking weed, amongst many many other topics. If you're heartbroken, and/or overweight, and/or depressed, we got some hot tips for you. "Non-toxic judgment" and opposite approaches are the foundation to our friendship, and we'd like to know if you know what we mean! In our usual style, we start with how we met, tell tales of UBC days, and end up promoting his new Sports Podcast "Sports and More from the 604!" Be sure to check it out on insta @sportsandmore604 and listen here: Also Vancouver people! Salsa Showcase November 9-10-11, aka STARTS TODAY! Bravo Dance Company, Amateur Team! Let's cheer them on! Ps: You're welcome for my slip ups on his actual name. Hahaha! See if you can spot it ;) Pps: Sorry about all the F%*$king swearing. ---