Running Wild With Christine

Ep 28: On Black Feminism & Social Justice, with Lutze Segu



Lutze Segu, PhD student at the Social Justice Institute at UBC, is my guest for this riveting episode - the Fourth instalment on Feminism. She's been a social justice organizer and social worker for over 6 years, and took the time to speak to me about all things critical race theory, intersectionality, #metoo, patriarchy and consent! I want to thank her for taking the time and emotional labour to teach me about my privilege (time and time again), radical inclusion, #blacklivesmatter and social justice. Bottom line: Empathy is good - but we got work to do. Check out Lutze's Twitter @FeministGriote References: Kimberlé Crenshaw, American civil rights advocate and a leading scholar of critical race theory: @sandylocks on Twitter Debby Irving, "Waking Up White": --- Support this podcast: