Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode #51 The Weirdest but Coolest Fundraising Event I ever planned !



Episode #51 The Weirdest but Coolest Fundraising Event I ever planned! What I’m about to share with you on today’s episode is NOT about ANOTHER GALA ( insert eyeroll ) Let’s face it, trying to come up with a cool and unique fundraiser to help your nonprofit raise funds can be challenging. And if you’re like me and you’ve been in this game for a while, you’ve likely hosted or at least attended a big Gala, or a casino night or golf tournament. Am I right! You and I probably agree that there’s nothing wrong with these types of fundraising events. Done well, they can be quite fruitful. But, when I decided to add a second fundraising event to our annual fundraising goals, planning the "go to" gala or casino night didn’t feel quite right. So, what type of event did I come up that was weird and cool and different? Hold UP! I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU Before I dive into the weirdest fundraising event I ever hosted, I have a gift for you. If you’re trying to build up that pipeline for new donors, I have a free guide