Raising With Lisa Clark's Podcast

Episode 6 : Three Reasons to Host a Fundraising Event



Before I get into the reasons, I want to make sure you’ve picked up my FREE mini checklist on how to create a pipeline of new donors for your next big fundraiser.  Click here: https://risingwithlisaclark.lpages.co/donorchecklist/ So, maybe your organization has been tossing around the idea of having a fundraising event. But, you feel having an event, randomly, doesn’t make a lot of sense. You feel like there should be a good reason, something that will entice donors to attend. You worry your organization might not be ready. You wonder how you know when a good time will be? Well, I have three solid reasons to host an event and that includes knowing if you’re ready to have one!  First, we all know the goodwill it brings. I don’t know too many people who attend a nonprofit fundraising event that walk away saying they had a terrible time. If done right, your guests should walk away feeling connected, and be feeling somewhat spiritual and inspired. A second reason is a fundraising event helps you build awareness