Power Your Purpose With Megan Accardo

48. Why I Quit My 6+ Figure Corporate Job and Became a Coach



In today’s episode, I share my journey from family therapist to entertainment executive to leadership coach. It includes how I capitalized on my dream of working in entertainment following a break-up. And eventually turned a mess into my greatest purpose. I faced some challenges during my last year in my corporate position. But I am so grateful for those hard times, because amazing things happened as a result. I took control of my life.  There is a myth that you will feel ready to make a big change, whether it’s leaving a comfortable job, or a decision to keep going when everything around you falls apart. The truth is you will never feel ready. But the good news is that fear is a sign you are moving in the right direction. Overcoming hard things is the price of admission for the life you want to have. Ultimately the challenges I faced led to my decision to stop living a safe life inside the corporate world. To stop playing small. To use my voice. To decide what I was and was not okay with. The only thing I wo