Wealth Coach William R. Patterson - Baronseries.com

How Will the $700 Billion Rescue Plan Affect You? (Part II) - Wealth Coach William R. Patterson



Wealth coach and best-selling author William R. Patterson appears on CBS Radio Talk 1580 for a two-part interview on how the $700 billion rescue plan will affect Wall Street, businesses, individual investors, homeowners, students, and retirees. For more information visit, http://www.baronseries.com/coaching.htm. Show topics: (1) Who is really helped and hurt by the $700 billion rescue bill and $150 billion in additional tax breaks? (2) Pork barrel spending--what is it and how does it impact you? (3) How to secure your financial future with declining financial markets and unemployment at a five-year high and rising (4) What things should baby boomers be doing now to offset deflated home prices and retirement accounts? (5) How the nation's 10.2 trillion-dollar debt will affect you and your children