Csis-tcu Schieffer Series - Audio

Schieffer Series: Redefining the Front Lines: Anthony Shadid and Foreign Reporting in the 21st Century



The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and TCU's Schieffer School of Journalism hosted the next session of The CSIS-Schieffer Series Dialogues on “Redefining the Front Lines: Anthony Shadid and Foreign Reporting in the 21st Century.” Moderated by: Bob Schieffer Chief Washington Correspondent, CBS News; Anchor, CBS News' "Face the Nation" Panelists: Jon B. Alterman Zbigniew Brzezinski Chair in Global Security and Geostrategy and Director, Middle East Program, CSIS Rajiv Chandrasekaran Senior Correspondent and Associate Editor, The Washington Post Robert F. Worth  Writer, The New York Times Magazine Anthony Shadid's recently published book House of Stone will be available for purchase.   The TCU Schieffer School of Journalism and CSIS cosponsor a monthly series of dialogues hosted by award-winningjournalist Bob Schieffer to discuss the most pressing foreign and domestic issues of the day.