Csis-tcu Schieffer Series - Audio

Schieffer Series: Turkey's New Geopolitics



The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and TCU's Schieffer School of Journalism hosted a session of The CSIS-Schieffer Series Dialogues on Moderated by Bob SchiefferChief Washington Correspondent, CBS News; Anchor, CBS News' "Face of the Nation" Panelists: Tom FriedmanBest-selling author and New York Times Columnist Mort AbramowitzSenior Fellow at The Century Foundation and former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Bulent AlirizaCSIS Turkey Project Director The TCU Schieffer School of Journalism and CSIS cosponsor a monthly series of dialogues hosted by award-winning journalist Bob Schieffer to discuss the most pressing foreign and domestic issues of the day.