Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 45: Friday Five With Sheryl O'Loughlin



"Have Bold Humility" Sheryl O'Loughlin 1. Sheryl shared how we all will have moments where life will eat us up. It is in the challenging times where we realize we are not alone and that we will make it. She invites us to navigate through the more difficult times by breathing into the moment and moving through it step by step by step. Minute by minute, day by day. If there is something challenging in your life right now can you dial it back to moving forward breath by breath. Knowing that this too shall pass, it will get easier and one day you will be able to help someone else move through the dark and back into the light. 2. Is there a relationship in your life that could be strengthened simply by being courageous and by asking the other person what it is that they need? Sheryl shared her mistakes as well as her successes especially when it came to parenting. I love that she reaches out and asks her children to help her to understand their feelings and how to help them move into their best self. I think this