Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 43: Friday Five With Keli Roberts



"Find Your Spirit" Keli Roberts Is there something in your life that you are passionate about, a place where all feels well and good with the world? Keli talks about her passion and how cycling felt good for her soul.  If you have a passion project can you carve out more time to make sure it is always a part of your week? If you are not currently doing something that you feel passionate about, take the time to try new things, keep going until you hit that sweet spot between being challenged and being engaged. Passion is fuel for our spirit. What keeps you being OK with yourself?  For Keli it is meditation, for me, it is treating myself with compassion. Do you need to add more compassion and empathy into your own life? Can you be your own best friend? How are you talking to yourself? How are you treating yourself? What tiny habits can you create? Keli reminded us about the power of tiny habits and that tiny habits over time will create a snowball effect. These healthy actions and behaviors as they become stro