Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 39: Friday 5 With Sarah Robb O'Hagan



"Be Relentlessly Open To The Curveballs Of Life" Sarah Robb O'Hagan 1. What drives you to be your best self? Sarah talks about drive and tenacity. She believes that drive can be cultivated and developed. I also believe that if you are inspired by something that your drive will amp up. I also believe that we can’t wait for drive to always appear before we get started. It’s almost the opposite – ready, start, go = drive. Who can you surround yourself with to amp up your drive meter? 2. Is your morning set up for success? Sarah talked about her daily rituals that set her up for success. She shared how she sets her day up the night before, and she recommends no electronics before going to bed. I know for me if I get my body moving in the morning my brain is more creative and focused. A habit that is working for me is to get an hour of writing in before I check my e-mails in the morning. Is there one small adjustment that you could make to your morning ritual that would allow for more focus and productivity? 3. Wh