Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 31: Friday Five With Erin Gargan



"Your Online Profile Is Now Your First Impression" Erin Gargan Are you serving your online community? Erin discusses the importance of,"Serving not Selling" and whatever your reason for being on social media it is always important to think about how you are coming across on the digital airways. Whether or not you think your online presence is important to your current job situation, it is a well-known fact that employers are now taking people’s social media profiles into account, during the hiring process. So take a few moments to glance over your favorite social media app and look at it from a visitor’s perspective. Would you want to know you? Is Your Content Shareable? Erin talked about shareability of content and this was a big ah-ha moment for me. If you are using social media to strengthen your brand, notice how many shares your posts are getting versus how many likes. This is a great indicator of how much your content is resonating with your friends, audience and customer base. How Is Your Heart Connec