Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 12: Lisa Condie: Getting Lost To Find Yourself



“When I Could Forgive Myself, I Could Forgive Other People” Lisa Condie Lisa was one of the first people to ever hire me to come and present a workshop at her facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. To this day I am grateful for her belief in my work before I had ever appeared in a VHS or DVD. It was wonderful to sit with Lisa after all these years, and catch up with her and learn about the journey that took her from Utah to Italy. Lisa shares all her experiences and life lessons in her new book, I Found Myself In Tuscany.  Lisa shares how after a break-up she went to Italy for a vacation with her daughter, and it was in a split second as she was returning to the United States and decided she would be back – but next time not as a tourist. She went home and sold everything, and with just two suitcases she made her way back to learn the language, learn the traditions and learn who she was. Lisa shares how she managed to strengthen her courage and learn to live without a safety net and fell in love with her life. Li