Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep15 - Dr. Phil's "Quiz Box" with Special Guest Danielle Marcucci, Donald Trump gets a bug stuck in his Comb Over, Rocco confesses his love for Hillary Clinton



Rocco and Moonlight Mike have Special Guest, Actor, Improviser, Doggy Mom, "Danielle Marcucci" in-studio for some great laughs. Get to know Danielle this episode and fall in love like Rocco did. "Hollywood Late Night Story Telling" gets underway with a great story by Danielle about her recent "Break-Up". Find out who in their right mind would Break Up with this Talented, energetic, wonderful human! Rocco and Moonlight Mike will share a brief headline or two during one of their favorite segments, "Weird News", or is it just "Donald Trumps Quaff" which caught their attention? Rocco will confess his love for Hillary Clinton as his fantasy Hockey Coach, while Danielle has the hots for Bernie Sanders. Dr. Phil enters the studio and hangs out with the cast for one of his Therapy Sessions. We play "Quiz Box" with Danielle and Dr. Phil attempts to straighten her out. The studio goes silent as Dr. Phil unrobes and gets into the "Hollywood Late Night Hot Tub". The cast was not prepared for his "baboon haired" body. "Fr