Hollywood Late Night With Rocco

Ep14 - Moonlight Mike gets a visit by Donna from the Collections Dept. and all hell breaks loose!



Moonlight Mike, Rocco, and their one man house band, "Frog At Whiskey, aka Benjamin, get an unexpected "ring of the doorbell", by "Donna", from the Collection Department at Moonlight Mike's Clown College. Moonlight Mike has studied with the best, and it comes with a cost! Rocco is baffled by this. Moonlight Mike faces the wrath of Donna as she attempts to collect on his Tuition payments. Rocco coerces Donna to get into the "Hollywood Late Night Hot Tub", so she jumps in with Turtle Neck on and all. "Hollywood Late Night" rehearses a New Segment called, "Person, Place or Thingz" . Rocco pays Donna 200 dollars in Jelly Belly's to leave the Network Studios. We conclude the episode with a special visit from Actor, Comedian, Improviser, and fellow Italian; Danielle Marcucci. She tells us where we can see her perform at the infamous "Groundlings" Theatre, and also about her latest film, "ADDicted". "Frog At Whiskey" closes the show out with an original song from his latest album.