Coffee Break Spanish

CBS EM 1.07 | Una maravilla de Andalucía



In this 7th episode of En Marcha, Mark and the team head eastwards along the Costa Tropical, to the village of Frigiliana, officially one of the most beautiful villages in Spain. After spending the day finding out about the village through both its residents and its visitors, it’s time to return to Málaga, but not before dropping in on two more villages, one of which offers up an opportunity for Mark to catch up with some familiar faces. For more information about High Five Spanish, our Spanish course for children, please visit season of En Marcha con Coffee Break Spanish features 10 audio episodes, all of which will be included in the podcast feed. Just stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you'd like to benefit from transcripts, bonus audio materials including our "Language Study" audio episodes which explain some of the language points introduced in the conversations, exercise packs, vocabulary lists and exclusive video materials, you can access the En Mar