Coffee Break Spanish

Season 3 – Lesson 26 – Coffee Break Spanish



This week’s topic is low-cost airlines and the advantages and disadvantages of low-cost travel. Mark and Alba discuss their experiences of flying with low-cost airlines (and indeed with other airlines!) and José introduces two phrases which you can use when you manage to find a real bargain! Language points covered include the use of quedarse, fijarse and no sólo … sino también. Premium members will find a bonus item in this week’s feed – a special bonus episode concentrating on quedar and its various uses. Let us know what you think! Please note that lesson 26 of Season 3 was originally known as lesson 326 of Coffee Break Spanish. We have renumbered the lessons of each season as lessons 1-40 to make things more simple for our listeners.This season of Coffee Break Spanish features a total of 40 lessons, all of which will be included in the podcast feed. Just stay subscribed to the podcast to enjoy each episode. If you’d like to benefit from video versions, lesson notes and bonus audio materials, you can acces