The Thinkergirls Pod Channel

EP 108: The 411 - Bachie Live Recap with Osher Günsberg



On EP 108: of The Thinkergirls Pod Channel, Stacey June and Kristie Mercer creators of some of the most successful female podcasts and content in Australia have a touch base about what the rest of the world is talking about. This week is our sixth Bachie Live Event at The Sheaf in Double Bay and we’re joined by incredible surprise celeb guest and Bachelor superstar Osher Günsberg!!2:30 – We’re all a bit devo about Shannon leaving Bachie, but what goes on behind the scenes? Osher shares the reality…4:33 – Where do eliminated contestants go when they get driven off set?8:23 – The Sympathy Pash between Cass and Nick.12:09 – Nick is often reserved on dates because he doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.13:13 – Osher shares some insight into Nick’s involvement in the “Mean Girls” storyline on Bachie.15:27 – Sophie’s whiteboard trick; is there a prop cupboard in the mansion?! LOL16:54 – Dasha says that when a woman approaches a man, it’s a turn off. What are Osher’s thoughts on this?19:00 – Stace reckons Sophie