Malan Jones

A Distracted Free Life



2 Chronicles 16:9 (NIV) For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. Think about that for a moment… Do you realize that God is looking to strengthen you? Do you realize that he is for you? But the question is… are you for him? Have you fully committed your ways to him? Ponder that for a moment… When God gives you power he wants you to use it to help others fulfill their God-given purpose, and not use it for your selfish gain. King Solomon was wealthy, and wise but became a fool because he allowed his obsession with ungodly women distract him from his calling. Are there any obsessions you have that are distracting you from your God-given calling? If so, It’s time to let them go… Take a deep breath, release it. With this, you release that distraction and take in God’s power. You do not need to hold onto it any longer because God has a better future for you Open your hands…with this you give God your obsession, and receive peace.