Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 125. Ellen Kossek: Evidence-Based Ideas for Managing Boundaries



Ellen Kossek is the Basil S. Turner Professor at Purdue University’s Krannert School of Management and the Research Director of the Butler center for Leadership Excellence. Ellen is an internationally recognized thought leader on employer support of work and personal life integration, gender, diversity, human resource innovation, and social change. She has won a Work-Life Legacy award for helping to build and advance the work-life movement. She has also won the Rosabeth Moss Kanter work-family research excellence award and the Sage Scholarly achievement award for advancing understanding of gender and diversity in organizations. Prior to becoming a professor she worked on human resource issues for major corporations in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. Ellen is the first elected President of the Work-Family Researchers Network. In this episode, Stew and Ellen discuss the various ways by which we manage interruptions or negotiate boundaries across different domains of life; some people tend to integrate or blend, som