Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 42. Nancy Drozdow and Debbie Bing: The Family Owned Business



Nancy Drozdow and Debbie Bing are two principals at CFAR; a private management consulting firm that focuses on both performance and relationships in family-owned businesses. CFAR was started as a research center at the Wharton School was established as an independent firm in 1987. Nancy Drozdow is a member of both the firm’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee. She is nationally known for her expertise as a thinking partner to leaders, successors, and successor candidates across the family enterprise. Debbie Bing began at the company as a Project Consultant in 1998, became an Associate in 1999, a Principal in 2006, and president in 2016. Her assumption of the Presidency represents the shift to CFAR’s second generation of leaders. Nancy and Debbie have been consulting with family-owned businesses for many years. Stew, Nancy, and Debbie talk about the special challenges and opportunities in family-owned business. s; they know how difficult it can be to integrate work and family when these two domains are