Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 12. Emma Seppälä: Cultivating Resilience



Emma Seppälä is author of The Happiness Track and Science Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University. She is also Co-Director of the Yale College Emotional Intelligence Project at Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a Lecturer at Yale College, where she teaches The Psychology of Happiness. On top of that, Emma is founder and editor-in-chief of “Fulfillment Daily,” a popular news site dedicated to the science of happiness. Stew and Emma explore misconceptions about success and happiness. Emma describes America’s harmful culture of overwork and its consequences on our bodies and minds. She believes it is possible to cultivate a peaceful lifestyle while having ambitious career goals. They discuss Emma’s happiness research, emphasizing in this conversation steps anyone can take to calm their internal state of mind during stressful times. Emma recommends yoga-based breathing techniques that Stew and Emma explore in depth. Show Notes (times when new topic