The Art Of Catholic With Matthew Leonard

041: Pentecost Special! The Amazing Old Testament Backstory of Acts 2



The Holy Spirit didn't just fall out of the sky at Pentecost. Well, I mean, he did, but all those tongues of fire, heavy winds and such weren't a random occurrence. Nothing God does ever is. There's a backstory. And once you know it, everything makes more sense. In this episode of The Art of Catholic, we dive into the events of the Old Testament that set up the birth of the Catholic Church in Jerusalem at Pentecost. Earth(quakes), Wind & Fire wasn't just a nominally successful 70s band. These elements often accompany theophanies, appearances of God. We're going to see why the crazy events at Pentecost unfolded as they did, looking at parallels to another very similar, very important event in the book of Exodus. Among other things we'll discuss: The ancient origin of Pentecost as a Jewish feast Why the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire in Acts 2 Why the Disciples started speaking in other languages What the voice of God actually sounds like (gulp!) Why the number of converts at Pentecost (i.e. 3,000