Beyond Your Wildest Genes

[BYWG BEST OF…] Never Binge Again with Dr. Glenn Livingston



[BYWG BEST OF...] Never Binge Again with Dr. Glenn Livingston Glenn Livingston (PhD) is a veteran psychologist and was the long-time CEO of a multimillion-dollar consulting firm which has serviced several Fortune 500 clients in the food industry. You may have seen his or his company’s previous work, theories and research in major periodicals like The New York Times, The L.A. Times, The Chicago Sun Times, The Indiana Star Ledger and The New York Times and American Demographics. You may also have heard him on ABC, WGN and/or CBS radio or UPN TV. Disillusioned by what traditional psychology had to offer overweight and/or food-obsessed individuals, Dr. Livingston spent several decades researching the nature of binging and overeating via work with his own patients and a self-funded research program with over 40 000 participants. Most important, however, was his own personal journey out of obesity and food prison to a normal, healthy weight and a much more lighthearted relationship with food. Check Out Never Binge