More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

What Shit Are YOU Putting Off?



‘What it is doesn’t really matter, it’s that you are putting shit off in your life that you know you need to do’ Desmond discusses why we procrastinate and the impact this can have not only on us but on others, in the actions we don’t take. He provides some great advice about how to move away from procrastination and take control of your life. Listen in and stop putting shit off in your life now!   KEY TAKEAWAYS Lots of us put stuff off but we don’t understand the reasons why we do it. Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem. The moment procrastination is planted as a seed it is a behaviour that will grow. The ripple effect is damaging and can stop you from achieving and being where you are meant to be. If you can recognise the indicators that you are procrastinating then you will be able to alter what you are doing. It's not about putting off the big thing, it could be something small. It’s the mindset and attitude that is embedded. You have to convince yourself tha