More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Your Mental Health Matters



Our mental health is as important as our physical health. It’s part of who we are, so we should be well aware of how to keep it healthy every single day. In this episode of More With Moreira, Desmond brings into light mental health awareness. As much as we hear it more than ever today, people still confuse the term mental health with mental illness. Remember that we all have mental health that we should be kept in check at so we don’t have to deal with mental illness. Mental health exists in every human alive, so as much as possible learn what the signs, symptoms, and treatment of mental illness, and how to care about yours and the people around you – may it be at home, in your workplace or your church group. Discover more about the basics today when you tune in. KEY TAKEAWAYS Share what you’re feeling to others. Don’t suffer in silence. Let go of what you’re frustrated, worried, or sad about. Knowing that someone listens can already unburden you. In addition, you become more accountable for what steps are