More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Delegation, The Importance of Letting Go



‘Delegation, it can either help you or crush and stop you doing what you want to do’  In this episode, Desmond takes an in-depth look at delegation and its vital role in any business.  He explains why it is a skill that is often underdeveloped and offers clear and practical advice on how to successfully delegate in your business to help it grow and flourish. Listen in now and start delegating to help you get where you want to be.     KEY TAKEAWAYS  We struggle with letting go and delegation may not be a skill we have developed.  Most of the time it is because you haven’t trained someone else or think you are the only person who can complete the task.  If you as the owner are not delegating it’s possible there may not be any supporting systems or documentation for the new person in the role and as a result, you continue to be involved.  If you have to do this there is an asset deficiency and you must review what processes and systems you have in place to support people doing the job.  Learn to let go - Th