Music Growth Talks: Podcast For Musicpreneurs

WSR31: Get Out There And Do It – Kelly Castor (MusicBizCast)



It’s one thing when you know what it takes to succeed in an industry from your experience. But when you combine your experience with insights from numerous professionals and people who have made it themselves – you have a much richer picture. Kelly Castor, who runs the MusicBizCast podcast, and who has been helping companies succeed for over 30 years now, have interviewed a lot of great minds in the music industry – and knows what ideas and principles are consistent across various fields of the music business. And he will tell you. In this WeSpin Recipes episode, Kelly becomes a guest of a podcast himself, and shares inspiring ideas on what it takes to succeed in music, as well as practical tips on time management and importance of educating yourself in more than just music creation. Listen to the interview to also learn what’s next for MusicBizCast, and Kelly’s music career. Go to for the show notes and to learn how to get a free WeSpin postcard by suppor